
Property Details

Pelangio holds a 90% interest in the Hailstone property which comprises seven mineral claims (74.5 km2) is located approximately 100 kilometers northeast of La Ronge, Saskatchewan.

Geologically, the Hailstone property is located within the Central Metavolcanic Belt of the La Ronge Domain of north-central Saskatchewan, which represents a portion of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogeny. The property comprises a southwest-northeast trending metavolcanic succession intruded by multi-phase intrusive rocks of the Berven Lake Pluton. Gold and copper mineralization on the property is hosted within quartz veins and quartz rich pegmatite dikes associated with southwest-northeast trending shear zones subsidiary to the terrain-bounding McLennan Lake Tectonic Zone.

Highlights of the Hailstone Property:

  • Pelangio controls a large underexplored land position with numerous gold occurrences in what is thought to be a new emerging gold camp.
  • Proximity to known deposits such as Mas Gold’s Greywacke deposit.
  • Excellent infrastructure such as roads, power and a near by gold mill.

Future Exploration Plans:

Currently, a review of all historical occurrences has been completed and a 2022 field program is being planned to re-evaluate various occurrences for target development purposes and future drilling.

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