

  • 87 square kilometre Dormaa prospecting license in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana
  • early stage exploration property


  • 100%

Project Details

Surveying work completed on the Akroma Property includes detailed geochemical drainage sampling comprising of 65 pan concentrate and 42 silt samples. Field panned concentrates were analyzed for gold using one-kilogram BLEG analysis. Gold values were returned from 56 out of 65 samples from 1 g/t gold up to 23 g/t gold. Anomalous gold values ranging between 0.037 g/t gold to 0.71 g/t gold were returned from 28 out of the 42 silt samples.

Since acquiring the Dormaa Property in 2011, Pelangio has completed multiple evaluation surveys consisting of paper studies, stream sediment surveys, soil sampling, air core drilling and assaying.

From April to September 2017, a gold-in-soil geochemical survey program was conducted as   a result of an option agreement with RosCan Gold Corporation. During this period, the Company completed geochemical sampling on two areas of the property and followed up with an air core drilling program and assay analysis, reported in June 2018. Subsequently,  RosCan advised that they elected to discontinue the option on the Dormaa property which would allow RosCan to focus on its core project, the Kandiole Project in Mali. As a result, 100% interest in the property reverted to Pelangio.

At present, no further work is planned on the Dormaa Property by Pelangio. However, a proposed future work program would be expected to include the use of an RC/RAB drilling track mounted rig to follow up on soil anomalous areas in the northern part of the property, should timing and funds permit.

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